Friday, September 03, 2010

The Recent Discovery Channel Building Lone Gunman Shooting Should Have People Evaluating Exactly What They'd Really Do To Survive A Shooting Spree Incident...

With the recent Discovery Channel building lone gunman shooting in downtown Silver Spring, MD (just outside the nation's capital of Washington, DC), many folks have expressed concern about what personal security and safety precautions they can take to increase their chances of surviving a shooting rampage that can happen any time, anywhere.

Fortunately there are many options and precautions you can take to increase your safety and security BEFORE the unthinkable happens!  Arthur Cohen, author of the brand new book, "Surviving A Massacre, Rampage, Or Spree Killing" has studied many shooting rampage and massacre incidents and during his exhaustive research, he has determined exactly what you can do in the first few minutes of a rampage to stay alive.

Cohen focuses on what the average person can do to stay alive in the first deadly minutes of an attack because research has shown that most incidents end in a matter of minutes (usually well before police and paramedics even arrive on the scene) putting the real burden of survival squarely on the shoulders of those caught in the rampage.

For more details visit:

Til Next Time,

Be Vigilant, Be Prepared, Be Safe!

Alfred McComber, Personal Security Guy

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